
Fully open-source and deployed, limited specific admin functions.

The protocol is currently a public good for the Fantom ecosystem.

All the contracts have been open-sourced and deployed. Please use at your own risk as they have not been audited and may contain bugs. There is no multisig overseeing most of these processes, however, there are some discretionary functions as you can see below.

  • Admin functions in the contracts: none, there is no EOA or multisig anymore. Except one where lobsterdao multisig can extract the NFT in case of a bug (see below). Apart from the lobsterdao multisig for receiving fees and extracting the NFT, there’s no EOA or multisig.

  • Protocol fees: being streamed to lobsterdao mulsitig. That is to remove any trust or dependency on previous contributors, and instead give the onwership to a public community. RDL community can organize itself and stream fees into somewhere they decide on (lobsterdao multisig will have to change the address that receives fees from itself).

  • NFT ownership: the Solidly veNFT is inside the contracts, so nobody owns it. However, there is a function to “take it out” in case a bug is discovered and requires protocol re-deployment. However, again, only the publicly verifiable lobsterdao is able to execute this.

The protocol has been delivered in full as initially envisioned by different contributors. Those members have no control over the protocol anymore. lobsterdao mulsitig was chosen as a public verifiable community with many different public multisig signers (as communicated initially).The multisig was deployed with the same set of signers as their original multisig on Ethereum. They have not explicitly agreed to this process and not all signers might be aware of this move. They may be contacted on telegram if required.

Last updated